Friday, September 15, 2017

Nature Art--54

Battling Health Challenges

These photos were taken at a new, family cottage where I had a chance to visit.  I used a disposable camera and the colours in the entire roll of film were a little washed out, which was disappointing....  But at least something is visible....

Approximately from the beginning of this year I've been getting lab tests and battling health challenges. Some problems have been temporary and respond to treatment and/or lifestyle changes....  [Even small changes can make a big difference, at times.]  One problem which is more serious is "macular degeneration" in an eye....

This problem is expected to cause significant vision loss at some time....  The eye specialist said she can't predict what will happen with my sight and the potential treatment only has a 50/50 chance of helping....  The treatment can also cause serious side it's like "six of one, and half a dozen of the other"...and I've decided to decline the treatment....

Have been trying to take good care of my eyes and health; and from April to August of this year, there was a slight improvement in my eye....

At the back of my mind, I've had a nagging worry about my health...and I decided to re-connect with a self-help group I used to go to....  Getting support can certainly be helpful!  Of course, the worry itself isn't healthy and can bring on more problems.  Sometimes it takes a while to make a decision to take action, but when we do there's usually help available.