Thursday, November 9, 2017

Guest Nature Art--3

Thanks to my brother for sharing these photos which he took in the USA.


If it's possible to get justice for a wrong in a reasonable manner and without undue hardship, then I think it's desirable to do so....  But sometimes it's very difficult or impossible to get justice.  We can let God or fate deal with the wrongdoer!

In some situations that I've been pondering, I'm freeing myself from unrealistic expectations of justice....  I'm noticing that.  In the post below, I mentioned Louise Hay; and she said in her book that she got free from her past experiences of abuse by forgiving!  [She had quite a difficult childhood.]  That's quite powerful, I think.  And she had help from counsellors along the way.

In May 2017, I wrote a post called "Forgiving Others," if anybody would like to read more.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Some Work For Me

A little while ago, I bought an encouraging book called "Life Loves You" by Louise Hay and Dr. Robert Holden, Ph.D.  (Copyright 2015, published by Hay House, Inc.)  Ms. Hay passed away recently at over 90 years of age.  She had previously written many books, including "Heal Your Body" and "You Can Heal Your Life."  She had also gotten cured of cancer in the past, mostly by changing her thinking....  Dr. Holden is a younger person and he has written other books as well....

Ms. Hay's books have been popular worldwide and she was a metaphysical lecturer and teacher....  I can't say I understand or agree with all the ideas in "Life Loves You" but there's a lot that I can reconcile with my own religion....  For example, one theory is that a spirit of unforgiveness can be a cause of disease....  And I certainly agree that negative emotions can cause health problems and unforgiveness is a bad thing....

Another concept in the above book is to imagine a "Forgiveness Scale" and to consider HOW MUCH you've forgiven a person who caused offense...?  Sometimes we may forgive 20% or even 60%, but the ideal is to forgive totally and completely...!  [My religion requires me to forgive others but the book has given me some new insight and awareness about the topic....]  So, I've realized I have some work to do in this area, for more than one person....  Sometimes life can be very complicated...!  Maybe the forgiveness work will help my health and maybe not?, but I'm willing to make an effort....

For more information about the authors above, people can go to or to