Monday, October 2, 2017

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving Day will be on next Monday, October 9.

Nature Art--55

Organic Gardening

If organic gardening is done properly, no chemicals are used and the nutritional content is higher than in regular produce....

The season is pretty much over for this year but the fall or winter is actually a good time to start planning a garden for the following spring....  There are many books available at libraries to help a person get started....  Some government offices may have free literature, as well....  Even a small space like a window sill or a balcony can be used productively.

In between my university years when I was young, I had a privilege of spending a week on a large, organic farm in the south of France.  It was an amazing experience and it gave me a lifelong interest in gardening, whenever I had the chance to do something.