Thursday, April 20, 2017

Nature Art--43

This was a family kitten which was playing with a neighbour's dog, in the back yard...!

A Non-Threatening Environment

The nature photos in this blog are very non-threatening to people with PTSD, like first-responders and military people, in my opinion.  When I have time, I intend to promote my blog more.... Perhaps some sexual abuse or assault and sexual harassment survivors would like it, also...if they're not intimidated by discussions about anger issues...?  [Have heard that sometimes they can be....  But people can choose what they wish to look at in the blog....]

Nature Art--42

The trillium is Ontario's official flower....  In this area, they usually come out just in time for Mother's Day in May. There are white, pink, and red trilliums, as far as I know; and it's illegal to pick them because they grow very slowly. They'd become extinct if everyone started picking them.  So, we can enjoy photos and seeing them directly in nature places!

Getting Along With My Mother

One of the most difficult parts of my relationship with my mother was that my father had been the one who told me about their marital separation--and he told things from his point of view, of course....  It happened just before I turned 14 years of age....  My father left our family home, although he came to visit often, and I became angry towards my mother....

My parents continued to be involved in each other's lives for a number of years with several, attempted reconciliation periods....  Sometimes I felt better than other times but my underlying anger was never addressed, at the time.  At school and church, I functioned fairly well on the outside....  Family counselling would've been helpful to me but it was't available, that I knew of.... And my mother probably wasn't as guilty as I'd thought she was....  But when I tried to talk to her about it later in life, she couldn't handle it and the conversation always broke down....

Dealing with my feelings has been an issue in handling my eating disorder and I've still been making growth within the past few years....  But when I was caring for my mother, I found a book called "Mindfulness for Teen Anger," by Mark Purcell and Jason Murphy, at the library; and I found it very helpful....  It was the beginning of my awareness of "mindfulness meditation" and I learned to recognize physical signals in my body that I was becoming angry; and I was able to trace the thoughts and feelings that were heading for an outburst....  [If people will Google the book's title--at, they can easily find it available; and there are other helpful entries, also.]

Of course I had pity on my mother for being old and sick, and our relationship wasn't all bad but we did have some tensions between us--not the least of which were my legal matters....  She tried to be helpful up to a point [and she was extremely helpful, especially at the beginning] but beyond that place she was quite negative....  And we more or less decided to "agree to disagree" on this issue....  [I may write a little more about my mother later on....]

Nature Art--41

This is a red trillium flower and I was actually out walking with my mother when I took the picture....

Caring For My Elderly Mother With Cancer

For about four years, I was a part-time, paid caregiver for my mother when she was very elderly.... She was in remission from cancer for over half that time before the cancer returned but she needed assistance with her living....

My mother and I hadn't always had a good relationship but we were both making an effort to be kind to each other in her later years....  Not to say that it took an effort, but sometimes it did....  And we were both at peace with each other when she died; and I was happy about that....  It's possible to get through difficult problems and I'll write more about this separately....

It was too late to help my mother but I read a book called "Radical Remission," which was promoted through the cancer support centre.  The author Dr. Kelly Turner, Ph.D.--at and studied over a thousand people who got over their cancer....  The project took around ten years....  Dr. Turner found some common characteristics between the survivors and she explains them in her book....  Myself, I found it very positive and encouraging that there are answers for cancer--either along with conventional cancer treatment or sometimes without it....

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone!

These photos were taken some years back at the Centennial Botanical Conservatory in the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The website for Thunder Bay is:

Monday, April 3, 2017

Nature Art--40

Tulips aren't blooming yet this year, in this area, but some early ones will be before too long!


"Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established."  Proverbs 4:26  

This verse is taken from the King James Version of the Bible.  

Nature Art--39

These are some early spring branches.


"One who is quick-tempered acts foolishly...."  Proverbs 14:17

"Those who are hot-tempered stir up strife, but those who are slow to anger calm contention." Proverbs 15:18  

A few more quotations from the book of Proverbs in the Bible, taken from the New Revised Standard Version.  [See the notice of copyright below.]

So, the Bible says that people who speak and act angrily--without thinking--will do foolish things and will create more problems than they started with....  But if a person can remain calm within a conflict, they'll help to resolve the issues....

When someone is under a lot of pressure, it's harder to stay calm.  And I've unfortunately learned the hard way that losing your temper really doesn't help!

In a tense situation when one or both parties are close to blowing up, it can be helpful to walk away and cool off for a little while.  Before you do, you can tell the other person that you [or they] need some time and you'll talk again later....

Nature Art--38

These are some photos from around this time of year along Highway 35, in the "cottage country" area....  It's what I call the northern part of southern Ontario....

Notice of Copyright

"All scripture quotations unless noted otherwise are taken from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved."

This is a notice which I'm required to display in order to use some quotations from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible....  Some quotations will be following...and some will perhaps be used later in this blog....

Nature Art--37

The crocus is one of the first bulbs and flowers that comes out in the spring, in this area. These photos were taken in a previous year but I happened to see some crocuses blooming outside yesterday!