Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nature Art--31

Here is a winter photo from northeastern Ontario.


"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly."  This is a quotation from the book of Proverbs in the Bible, King James Version.  Proverbs 20:27

In my opinion, the meaning of this verse is that we need to pay attention to our "gut feelings," or gut instincts....  They say there's a direct connection between our stomachs and our brains; and scientists are learning more and more about the nerves in the digestive system....

In abuse therapy, or sexual harassment therapy, the counselors may also help their clients to get in touch with their gut feelings--and the clients may have been used to ignoring them....  I believe the gut feelings give us important information which might be missed by using our brains alone....

Friday, January 6, 2017

Nature Art--30

Here are a few more winter scenes from southern Ontario.

Nature Art--29

These are some winter scenes, after a snowfall, in southern Ontario a few years ago....

An Old Photo...

This is a photo that was left over from my attempts at selling nature photography around 20 years ago....  You can see I was using the name of "Monica," which is my middle name, and the date was 1996.

The plant in the photo has green leaves and red berries.--It's called "wintergreen."  Both the leaves and berries are edible, and they have a minty taste which is used to flavour chewing gum, candy, and toothpaste, etc.

It was in 1998 that the scandal broke out about U.S. President, Bill Clinton, and Monica Lewinsky.... These days, people are sending sexual messages and photos by cell phone and on the Internet, often with disastrous consequences.... In my legal matters, which are discussed in the Waterlily Story blogs, I had unfortunately made a "Monica-joke" at the beginning; and I've still been trying to live it down and to clarify what I was thinking....  There can be a lot of prejudice created by these kinds of situations--depending on the receivers and how they react to them--and I feel sorry for some young girls in Canada who made mistakes in judgment and were pushed to the point of suicide.... It's much better to avoid these behaviours in the first place, in my opinion.... [Which I can say in hindsight!] People think they can have confidence in what they're doing but it can too easily turn out differently than they expected...!

Eating Disorder Issues

Many years ago, I was in treatment for an eating disorder--a combination of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. One thing I learned was that a normal and healthy weight for me was higher than I'd realized it should be.... I'd been trying to get my weight down too low earlier....

When I was a child, I was teased quite severely about weight issues, even though I wasn't overweight. I later learned there was a different problem behind the weight issues, which didn't have anything at all to do with physical appearance, and which the kids who teased me were bothered about.... Unfortunately, the kids didn't know how to communicate directly and I took the teasing to heart--it was the beginning of repeated and continuing dieting attempts....

The treatment program that I was in got cut short--it was otherwise a lengthy program--because my husband-to-be had moved to another province and he was anxious for me to join him there and to get married.... Later, I often wished I had more supports around me but it was hard to find them.... But I did my best to make use of whatever I found available....

Right now, I'm on a medication which has a possible side effect of "increased appetite." So, I've been battling that problem for a while. I found a book called, "Food: the Good Girl's Drug," by Sunny Sea Gold at the library. This book has been helpful and the author has a related website at:  In my case, I'm not sure the medication is the only problem but under stress there's also a temptation to overeat.  [And I guess a lot of people have that kind of a problem....]