Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nature Art--18--Moonrise in the Harbour

When I lived in Thunder Bay, in northwestern Ontario, there was a nature area near my home. One evening, I went for a walk there a little after sunset and saw that a full moon was fairly high in the sky.  I thought it'd be nice to get a photo while the moon was lower on the horizon; and I went back an evening or two later with my camera.  I waited and waited until it got dark and there was still no moon.  Then, all of a sudden, I saw something that was the colour of fire on the skyline.... I continued to observe and saw that it was the moon coming up, at last....  And it was a bright, orange colour.  It was a very amazing sight to see.

The moon was over the harbour and there were also three ships in view.  (You can see the lights from the ships in the photos.)  If I'd had a different lens for my camera, the moon would've appeared bigger--as it really was.  But these photos show something of what I saw that evening....  [It was also close to this time of year when this incident happened.]  In the bottom photo, there are some geese swimming past.

Apparently, the moon takes a capricious path across the sky at night, and from night to night.  It's not regular like the sun is.--And we all know different phases of the moon are visible at different times.

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